Lenses That Are Perfect For Your Glasses!

When you buy glasses online, you need to choose the right pair of lenses. At Perfect Glasses, we offer a range of lenses that can be fitted to your new pair of eyeglasses or prescription sunglasses. Whether you are driving to your workspace, working in front of a digital screen or playing a sport there are lenses for every need.
It's important to get your glasses customised according to your preference and lifestyle. Be it eyeglasses, prescription sunglasses or both, we at Perfect Glasses have all kinds of lenses to suit your requirements.
Choose the frames you like and try them on through virtual mirror. Then go ahead and place the order along with your prescription (if any) and also the type of lenses you require for your glasses. It's fun and simple buying glasses online from Perfect Glasses.
Let's talk about the kinds of lenses we offer, their use and advantages!
1. Anti-reflective lenses
Anti-reflective coatings virtually eliminate reflections from the front and back surfaces of your eyeglasses or prescription sunglasses lenses. It also improves vision and reduces eye strain. These lenses are best used while driving.
2. Scratch resistant lenses
Eyeglasses or prescription glasses are more prone to damage. Especially when you wear glasses on a daily basis. The scratch resistant coating makes the lenses more impact and scratch proof. This kind of lenses does not interfere with the vision at all.
3. Polarised lenses
Polarised lenses are best for prescription sunglasses or regular sunglasses for men and women. These lenses reduce glare to a lot of extents as they block the harsh light. Polarised lenses sunglasses is especially good for people while driving!
4. Tinted lenses
Choose any pair of frames from Perfect Glasses and also get the tint of your choice. Just try the frames through the virtual mirror and let us know the intensity of the tint you want of any colour. And we'll have the glasses customised for you. All our tinted lenses come with 100% UV protection and are best-used in prescription sunglasses or regular sunglasses!

5. Photochromic lenses
If you are looking for prescription sunglasses and eyeglasses both in one pair of frames, then opt for photochromic lenses. The photochromic lenses react to UV rays. They remain light indoors and become dark when outdoors. Cost saving and no more hassle of changing from eyeglasses to prescription sunglasses in every few minutes!
6. Prolite lenses
Prolite is an in-house lens brand that has been introduced lately. We use the high-quality raw material to manufacture these lenses hence making them 10-15% lighter and thinner. You can use these lenses for both eyeglasses and prescription sunglasses.
7. Blue Coat lenses
If you spend hours in front of digital screens, then blue coat lenses are the must have in your pair of prescription glasses. The artificial blue light emitted by digital devices have proved to cause eye irritation and stress. These lenses reduce the harmful effects of the rays emitted by our digital devices. Blue coat lenses also are anti-glare and scratch resistant.

8. Kodak lenses
Kodak is a world renowned manufacturer and supplier for prescription lenses.These lenses are up to 25% lighter and thinner than the standard lens. The coatings provided are of the latest technology hence provide a long life for the lens.