Makeover for My Old glasses : Reglazing Service Online at

Dear Diary,
I am done and dusted with Bob. He has had it. After all the strong TLC (paradoxical pun intended) I gave him, I definitely deserve better. I have cooked for him, cleaned after him & taken care of him even when he was sick. How could he do this to me?
After he broke my expensive Ruby Woo MAC lipstick, tossed a can of beer on the suede couch, peed on the bathroom floor and walked all over my new Cashmere cardigan - God knows - how I have managed to keep calm and put love ahead of all this mess! But today he has committed an inexcusable cardinal sin. His silly antics have caused one of my most prized possessions - my limited edition GUCCI glasses (which by the way, were a graduation gift from my parents) to fall on the floor and smash into thousand pieces. He not only broke my glasses, he broke my heart too. Now I have a frame with blanks sitting on my vanity table giving me a sad look
So while, I sit and share my frustration with you, Bob has been summoned to sleep on the couch. He is not sharing the bed with me, till he feels sorry for what he has done!
Dear Diary,
Returned from work. Terribly hungry.
I have fixed some fabulous Tuna sandwiches. Bob is eyeing them but guess what ? He ain't getting any! He better be sorry for what he did to my priceless GUCCI glasses.
P.S.: He is still dozing on the couch! Entry barred to my bedroom.

My Broken Glasses ready for a Reglaze with Perfect Glasses!
Dear Diary,
Macy, a work buddy said, “Not all hope is lost.”, I can still get my glasses reglazed online at She told me I didn’t have to leave the comfort confines of my home to give my glasses a makeover. She said her fiance had sent them a pair for reglazing and guess what they came back as good as new with an upgraded prescription. They also reglazed his glasses at lowest possible prices in the UK.
Let’s contact Perfect Glasses and get my Gucci glasses reglazed! Yeah! Am beaming with joy!
Update: Have filled my prescription and packed away my glasses to! Let us see if they can get it right!
P.S.: Bob is on his best behaviour mode. But the damage is done and that doesn’t impress me much!
Dear Diary,
Perfect Glasses has the best reglazing service in the UK. Not only did they fix my lenses, my glasses now look completely new. They delivered my specs in a record time! I requested them to deliver my glasses in a matter of few days as my parents are arriving tomorrow. Didn’t want to hurt them by showing them a broken frame. The friendly customer service team at Perfect Glasses assured me that my glasses will reach me in time and lo & behold! They stood up to their promise!
I have not only reglazed my glasses but I have also saved a lot by not shelling out money for a new pair! So, I strongly recommend for reglazing service. And guess what they also have thousands of trendy fashion & prescription eyeglasses & sunglasses.
The ‘Bob Bedroom Ban’ is now officially over (You know I love him too much for this because I think he has learnt from his mistake or at least he pretends to display remorse for his actions!)
So as I type this, Bob is sitting cosily in my lap - trying to catch a snooze while he is happily purring away!