3 Things to NOT do when buying sunglasses!

3 Things to NOT do when buying sunglasses!
Sunglasses are like the sunscreen for your eyes and you are no alien to not be aware of the damaging effects of UV rays. Prescription sunglasses are more than just looking cool- let's face it your sunglasses totally reign the outfit you are wearing!
Getting that right pair can get you quite swoon worthy but shopping for that right pair may not be as easy, particularly if you are shopping for glasses online. There are so many shapes and textures, that choosing that perfect for you pair can be quite daunting!
Let alone finding it in a retail store thats too brightly lit and has excessively helpful sales staff looking to close that sale.
We care for your eyes and don't want you to compromise on your style, that's why at Perfect Glasses we host a user friendly website with easy filters on shape, colour, size and style to make finding your beloved a lot easier.
We have engineered the Virtual Mirror, a feature that lets you try all the frames featured on our website virtually just with a simple upload of your close-up portrait. So you can experience how the versatile frames look on you. You can actually give that fuchsia pink a try or those butterfly oversized ones that you wouldn't dare put on in a store!
Just to make sure you Seal that Deal right, we have 3 things you must remember to NOT do when shopping for men’s or women’s glasses online!
1.Get the one in Trend only!
It can be quite great to grab that trending pair off the fashion ramps but will it truly flatter your personality? Prescription glasses are sure a fashion accessory but not if they don't meet the quality parameters. You should get a pair that is cost-effective yet durable, and fashion forward yet sturdy.
2.Matching your face shape doesn't really count!
Cool and Wacky may seem tempting but not in the shape that does not suit your face. Sure geometrical ones are fun and the round ones look darn impressive, but if they are off your face cut you are definitely missing the mark. A thumb rule is that when shopping for spectacles online choose a shape opposite to your face shape, like for round face go for square and the other way, for oval go for cat-eye and more. Basically, the angles of your face must be sharpened or softened.

3.Celebrity inspired frames are darn expensive!
Watching Rihanna in that foot tapping video and Kristen Stewart on the red carpet, ofcourse who can forget Lady Gaga rocking those stunning pair of sunglasses. Magazine covers and Red Carpets are sure given you major eyewear fashion goals and you want them all but you wonder if putting in a months paycheck is necessary? Well, not when you choose to shop for prescription sunglasses online at Perfect Glasses where they host 36 designer labels with prices that can easily get you two in the price of one designer glasses!
Don't just focus on protection but remember that appearance too is important when shopping online for prescription sunglasses.